Monday, August 24, 2020
Failed Leadership Essay -- Religion, Yahweh
Elijah is a prophet of Yahweh, Whom service is begun with emotional shock to the neighborhood individuals and the country. He report dry season that there won't be either downpour or dew in the country aside from by his promise (1Kings 17:1). Elijah’s service again followed by another triumph on heap of Carmel in vindicating the force that professes to be compelling. We see various pictures of Elijah in 1Kings 17-19. In Chapter 17 we see Elijah who is talking as ground-breaking leader. In Chapter 18, we see Elijah who is successful over his opponents, and stand up to with the King (1kings 18:17-19). In Chapter 19 we see a dampened Elijah who appears to be overlooked his late triumph over the prophets of Baal. At long last in this content (19:1-4) we see the fallen Elijah, fallen relentless holy person who is asking for death and Elijah who was resigning from his drawn out help as prophet of Yahweh (1kings 19:15-18). Lives of the considerable number of entertainers of this cont ent may uproariously address the Oromo individuals who have fled mistreatment of tyrannical system and endured egotistical character of their very own portion chief who drove the freeing foundation. I. Application Today, when we read this content (1Kings 19:1-4 and 19:8-15) having the Elijah in the past two sections (17 and 18) as a top priority a great deal of things may go to our brains, such things as certainty, mightiest , reasonable, and mistreatment. After the incredible occasions on Mount Carmel, Elijah didn't get the chance to appreciate the successful minutes over the prophets of Baal. For those of you who had colossal encounters in the battle for opportunity and experienced mistreatment, it must be more clear what it feels to be in misery, reasonable and frustration. Of late companion of mine revealed to me that he strolled on his feet for nine da... ...ip and turn individuals face to love the might God, in any case, he was loaded up proudly. So also the pioneers who guarantee to lead the freeing power moving in the direction of the Oromo individuals may take after Elijah who has large mental fortitude to work for the realm he is called to serve yet bombed in pride. At long last, the means Elijah took in liberating individuals from loving the Idol could halfway please God he was serving, to the opposite his pride disappoint God. Subsequently all together the battles to proceed with the individuals who have been meddling with the issue must evacuate. In our content God advised to Elijah to proceed to evacuate the current political and strict pioneers to be supplanted by new pioneers (1Kings 19:15-18). We are person we won't serve perpetually and we won't mess up until the end of time. God will utilize every single imaginable intend to call and introduce whom he need and expel that He needs to evacuate.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Civil Rights Era
the 3M-Company Essay Contextual analysis The 3M Company Insert name Insert establishment Insert teachers name Insert the date Initially known as the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, this organization was spearheaded in 1902 at Minnesota close to Lake Superior. It was set up to sell mineral stores which were later end up being valueless and this started early innovative work of this organization while in Duluth. This saw its achievement in selling sandpaper items. The organization later expanded its proficiency in quality creation and gracefully chain. Advancements saw the improvement of waterproof sandpapers, the asking tape (this started the companys possibilities towards broadening) sold under the name Scotch Pressure-touchy Tapes and even was contracted in the creation of safeguard materials in World War II. The organization was later to differentiate its item portfolio to incorporate the photographic items, electro-mechanical items, pharmaceuticals, radiology and the Post-it Notes that altered correspondence and association. In the late 1990s, the absolute deals of the organization arrived at a $15 billion imprint and the evaluation of its 2010 open filings has arrived at a benefit characteristic of 30 billion dollars (NoAuthorFound, 2002). The organization today is a worldwide aggregate with a broadened item arrangement of in any event 55,000 items. It works under an establishment circulation framework whereby a portion of its items are accessible for buy in excess of 200 nations from merchants and retailers; in any case, the majority of 3M items are accessible online legitimately from the organization. We will compose a custom paper test on the 3M-Company explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on the 3M-Company explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on the 3M-Company explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The organization is enrolled in the New York stock trade and the US Securities and Exchange Commission where its SEC filings can be acquired. These can be utilized to evaluate the companys quarterly and yearly returns and even its erformance as relating to: (A)lmpact of Globalization and Technology Any worldwide organization today in most antagonistically influenced by globalization and innovation: 3M Company isn't a special case to this. The organization ceaselessly adjusts to changing patterns in innovation and globalization through marker innovative work. RD globalization is a quick advancing procedure and is increasingly more as of late being kept at one focus of chance in most contemporary companies. RD globalization gives a stage to the simple control of 3M Companys basic assets and resources over wide topographical area. Globalization and innovation ave prompted the Companys expanded comprehension of RD and development. The organization unaerstanas transnatlonal RD ana Innovatlon Tor more grounded consollaatlon and budgetary and significantly more techniques for administrative limitations (Bertho Crawford, 2008). Globalization and innovation have expanded the rate point by point examination attempted on world item obligations and worldwide innovation duties inside transnational companies at areas outside their nation of origin. 3M Company has set up powerful focuses abroad that drive development and new business activities for organization fortifying gratitude to globalization and innovation. Globalization has likewise served in tending to possession and control issues for 3M Companys universal scholarly capital and property and has helped the comprehension of their impacts on corporate responsiveness. Organizations that situate themselves towards the market through the comprehension of the impacts of globalization and innovation on corporate capacities are bound to create and continue their market degree and edges of benefit. The progression of data inside a global combination organization like 3M Company is essential to its turn of events (Bertho Crawford, 2008). For instance, clients can utilize the web innovation to buy 3M items on the web and pay through MasterCard or PayPal. (B) Application of mechanical association model and asset based model for better returns 3M Company can utilize the modern association and asset based model to encourage its productivity and along these lines increment it advertise execution and overall revenue gains. The upper hand of a partnership firm lies essentially in the commencement of a heap of important unmistakable and elusive assets at companys removal universally. Through the asset based technique the 3M Company can distinguish and lassify the partnerships overall assets and assess their qualities and shortcomings and relate this to the companys contenders by tending to their trademark patterns. Recognize the open doors for better use of assets. At that point 3M Company will set out on distinguishing the companies capacities and effectiveness against its rivals. The organization will recognize asset contributions for every capacity and multifaceted nature of every ability. Thirdly, the organization will assess its assets for lease creating abilities as relating to its capability to continue the serious scene and the appropriability of its profits. The organization will then plan on the most ideal approach to misuse its assets and abilities comparable to the companys outside circumstances. In conclusion in the work of the asset based model, the organization will distinguish asset holes that should be filled and set down tentative arrangements to enlarge, overhaul and renew the 3M Companys asset base (Heracleous, 2003). In the mechanical association model, 3M Company will leave upon the assessment of its structure for better outline between the organization and its market portfolio and requests. This assessment will build the companys ompetitiveness and ease obstructions that lead to blemished rivalry. This activity benchmark will be to investigate and determinants of the firm and market association to better rivalry and adjust to government activities. For example, 3Ms late 2012 association arrangement for better consistency in its technique of building appropriate market nearness will serve to expand its quality in future worldwide markets and clients. The new structure was to contain five business gatherings (customer, Inaustrlal, nealtncare, saTety ana grapnlcs ana Electronics ana vitality. These activities will guarantee better market and industry interface and erformance (NoAuthorFound, 2002). C) 3Ms vision and mission impact of its market achievement The companys statement of purpose expresses that the organization is focused on effectively add to manageable advancement through natural assurance, social duty and financial advancement. This has situated the companys representatives towards the fulfillment of this statement of purpose. The organization wins client dedication a nd regard when it successfully separates its opposition and conveys and strengthens the 3M brand procedure (NoAuthorFound, 2002). The companys vision is to add to societys move to supportable turn of events. To 3M, reasonable improvement alludes to the capacity to fulfill the companys clients today while regarding the abilities of people in the future and in this way have the option to address their issues. Consequently, both the vision proclamation and statement of purpose increment client and speculator dedication and this empowers the companys exercises to continue uninhibited hence guaranteeing its prosperity. A companys strategic vision points of view that are client wellbeing focused assemble and approval positive accord and backing (NoAuthorFound, 2002). D) Influence of Stakeholders to 3Ms achievement 3Ms solid relationship with its partners decides the companys suitability nd achievement. This relationship whenever continued will guarantee future companys possibilities are fruitful. A portion of the key 3M partner cooperation incorporate however are not restricted to (Rubinfeld, 2005): Investor: The Com pany keeps up a solid relationship with its financial specialists by convenient and gainful profits. The New York trade and the companys SEC filings report have revealed as much as 3 dollars profits for each offer. The companys enrolling in the US Securities and Exchange Commission reenergizes speculator certainty and subsequently attracts more financial specialists than any other time in recent memory remembering this is a universal enterprise. Manager, representative and client relationship: The Company has improved it relationship with its workers. Better pay rates and working conditions have made the organization representatives steadfast and dedicated towards meeting the companys mission, vision and client needs. There has been a wide gathering for better client organization connection and relationship. This has made the organization exceptionally serious in its extent of the world market and has seen the organization hold its hold in the market. The administration and network. The organization has conformed to all the US government corporative laws for outside nd inner tasks. This has empowers the organization to advance easily without hindrances from the US government. The organization additionally procures network trust and regard by adding to research and developments that lead to the creation of wellbeing items that help ensure the earth and diminish damage to the client and world networks on the loose. For instance, the creation of sandpaper that don't deliver air contaminants during use. This has seen the organization even win an honor by the US government. (E)Conclusions To summarize it, the 3M Company has ascended from a little league organization at a lake hore to a global combination that sells its items around the world. In India, it is the main open remote organization that doesn't work an establishment arrangement of OlstrlDutlon t at n OITTerentlatlng It wlt n coca cola. I ne SEC Tlllng 0T tne organization a US Securities and Exchange Commission site show that the co
Monday, July 20, 2020
Pros and Cons of Longitudinal Research
Pros and Cons of Longitudinal Research Student Resources Study Guides and Tips Print The Pros and Cons of Longitudinal Research By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on September 17, 2019 SSteve McAlister/The Image Bank/Getty Images More in Student Resources Study Guides and Tips APA Style and Writing Careers In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Types Pros Cons View All Back To Top Longitudinal research is a type of correlational research that involves looking at variables over an extended period of time. This type of study can take place over a period of weeks, months, or even years. In some cases, longitudinal studies can last several decades. How Longitudinal Research Works So why would researchers want to conduct studies that take a very long time to complete? One reason is that a longitudinal study can be used to discover relationships between variables that are not related to various background variables. This observational research technique involves studying the same group of individuals over an extended period. Data is first collected at the outset of the study, and may then be repeatedly gathered throughout the length of the study. Doing this also allows researchers to observe how variable may change over time. For example, imagine that a group of researchers is interested in studying how exercise during middle age might impact cognitive health as people age. The researchers hypothesize that people who are more physically fit in their 40s and 50s will be less likely to experience cognitive declines in their 70s and 80s. The researchers obtain a group of participants who are in their mid-40s to early 50s. They collect data related to how physically fit the participants are, how often they work out, and how well they do on cognitive performance tests. Periodically over the course of the study, the researchers collect the same date from the participants to track activity levels and mental performance. A few key things to remember about longitudinal studies: They are observational in natureThey are a type of correlational researchLongitudinal research is often contrasted with cross-sectional researchLongitudinal research involves collecting data over an extended period, often years or even decadesCross-sectional research involves collecting data at a single point in time Types of Longitudinal Research There are three major types of longitudinal studies: Panel Study: Involves sampling a cross-section of individuals.Cohort Study: Involves selecting a group based on a specific event such as birth, geographic location or historical experience.Retrospective Study: Involves looking to the past by looking at historical information such as medical records. The Benefits So what are some of the reasons why a scientist choose to conduct longitudinal research over other methods? For many types of research, longitudinal studies provide unique insight that might not be possible any other way. The benefit of this type of research is that it allows researchers to look at changes over time. Because of this, longitudinal methods are particularly useful when studying development and lifespan issues. Researchers can look at how certain things may change at different points in life and explore some of the reasons why these developmental shifts take place. An example of how this research can be used include longitudinal studies that look at how identical twins reared together versus those reared apart differ on a variety of variables. Researchers track these participants from childhood into adulthood to look at how growing up in a different environment influences things such as personality and achievement. Since the participants share these same genetics, it is assumed that any differences are due to environmental factors. Researchers can then look at what the participants have in common versus where they differ to see which characteristics are more strongly influenced by either genetics or experience. Because longitudinal studies take place over a period of years (or even decades), they can be very useful when looking at changes in development over time. Researchers can utilize this kind of research to establish a sequence of events when looking at the aging process. The Drawbacks As with other types of psychology research, longitudinal studies have both their strengths and weaknesses. There are some important advantages to conducting longitudinal research, but there are also a number of drawbacks that need to be considered. Longitudinal Studies Can Be Expensive Longitudinal studies require enormous amounts of time and are often quite expensive. Because of this, these studies often have only a small group of subjects, which makes it difficult to apply the results to a larger population. Another problem is that participants sometimes drop out of the study, shrinking the sample size and decreasing the amount of data collected. Participants Tend to Drop Out Over Time This tendency for some participants to be more likely to drop out of a study is known as selective attrition. In our example above, participants might drop out for a number of reasons. Some might move away from the area while others simply lose the motivation to participate. Others might become housebound due to illness or age-related difficulties, and some participants will pass away before the study is concluded. In some cases, this can lead to an attrition bias and influence the results of the longitudinal study. If the final group no longer reflects the original representative sample, this attrition can also threaten the validity of the experiment. Validity refers to whether or not a test or experiment accurately measures what it claims to measure. If the final group of participants is not a representative sample, it is difficult to generalize the results to the rest of the population. The World’s Longest-Running Longitudinal Study The worlds longest-running longitudinal study is the Genetic Studies of Genius, which is today referred to as the Terman Study of the Gifted. The study was originally started in 1921 by psychologist Lewis Terman to investigate how highly intelligent children developed into adulthood. The study is still going on today, although the original sample has understandably grown much smaller. The study originally had over 1,000 participants, but that number had dwindled to just 200 by 2003. Some of the participants included scientist Ancel Keys and educational psychologist Lee Chronback. Researchers plan to continue the study until the last participant either drops out or dies. A Word From Verywell A longitudinal study can provide a wealth of information on a topic. Such studies can be expensive, costly, and difficult to carry out, but the information obtained from such research can be very valuable.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Service Oriented Architecture Analysis - 874 Words
Regardless of the latest news regarding Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) failures, it is still clearly the choice for system integration and advantage on legacy systems. The expertise needed to put in place SOA will surely change to report developing requirements, but the theory will stay. The legacy systems act as a hub for various clients design distributes applications, which locate information through the five-web endpoint. The EAI retailer’s platform shows the middle tier, which is a prominent level of abstraction in an attempt to decouple prior firmly coupled legacy systems. The abstraction of legacy features, implementation, and technology specifies that applications are not a requirement for the other to understand because of†¦show more content†¦The web services technology utilizes the wrapped legacy system elements in the beginning and then switch them with brand new components (Lewis, Smith, Kontogiannis, 2010). Legacy systems are referred to large software systems that companies do not understand how to handle but the systems are important to the corporation. The software used in the legacy systems written some time ago with old fashion techniques, it continues to operate. To migrate and modernize the baggage that was used in the past would create a technical and nontechnical demand, with issues from explaining the cost of justifying the expense in doing business with external contractors to using program knowledge and visualization methods (Bennett, 1995). While other might describe legacy systems as current Information Systems used previously and runs vital, company procedures within the present enterprise IT architecture. Legacy plays a vital part and is thought of as the heart of businesses operating revenue making it a business value for the firm (Shahbaz Galinium, 2009). The procedures of migrating to SOA is considered from two separate perspectives the IT (technical) and company viewpoint. The legacy applications are founded on the mainframes or client server application scheme like ERP, SCM, CRM, and SRM systems. The legacy system is the support and core of the corporations data procedure. As companiesShow MoreRelatedExample Of Service Oriented Architecture1527 Words  | 7 Pages Many businesses may decide to integrate Service Oriented Architecture with legacy systems to standardize systems across the organization. An organization’s reliance on legacy systems may limit their ability to adopt SOA on a large scale. There are ways of mitigating the transition legacy systems to service orientation.            Legacy systems become costly and affect efficiency throughout organizations. They lack the flexibility needed to perform modifications. 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And that what application Mission’s was to reduce customer inconvenience and cycle time around vehicle repairs, keep tracking of the shop, self registration, view customerRead MoreThe Concept Of Legacy Systems1515 Words  | 7 Pageschange the system too to fit modern times and needs. This can be mitigated by making new applications to support the new requirements that come with running the business. The organizational functions can be integrated into the legacy systems as a service. With SOA, it allows one to modify the old infrastructure with a new layer of applications that will meet the current needs of the organization without getting rid of the old technology (Gonzà ¡les, Chen, Dahanayake,2008). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Questions On Senior Year Of Highschool - 938 Words
Senior year of highschool is time to decide where you will continue your education career, but it is also the last chance for you to fix your writing and study skills. When your annoying English teacher gives you an assignment that looks daunting because the page count and the list of sources we have to use. Not only was this assignment given in the last semester of my high school career, but it was a necessary because I learned key things about writing a paper. The things I learned is what can help me succeed in my college and future careers. Right after spring break the mindset of the senior class was to get out high school. When the excellent but cruel Ms. Angelos assigns the hardest assignment of the year. She assigns the medieval literature final paper. The concept of the miserable assignment was for me to write an extensive paper with three sources of medieval literature. The first thought that came into my mine was â€Å"This teacher really wants us to fail, and not graduate †. The only part of this experience that was easy was that she gave us list of sources we can use. I choose books that looked familiar or I had read before. The books that I choose were Beowulf, King Arthur and The Round Table, and Canterbury Tales. Then reading those books and trying to find similarities among the great heroes was the most tedious part. Finally completing the reading, the writing process of writing this paper began. The challenge of this paper was trying to exceed the minimumShow MoreRelatedMy Life I Have Taken The Advice Of Those Around Me853 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout my life I have taken the advice of those around me especially my mother. Throughout the years of high school felt confused on what I wanted. Now it seems trivial to me to worry about which class I want when there was no real choice. 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The Most Important Event in Us History Free Essays
Most Significant Event in U. S. History: The Louisiana Purchase The United States is not the most perfect country, but it is one of the most successful countries of the modern world. We will write a custom essay sample on The Most Important Event in Us History or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our country’s vast history contains an immense amount of significant and momentous events that have molded our country into the place we know today. As a country, we have had our fair share of triumph, crisis, and everything in between. But overall, the most important event in the history of the United States is the Louisiana Purchase, Thomas Jefferson’s purchasing of 828,000 square miles of land in Central America causing the country to double in size. The purchase of this enormous amount of land advanced us politically as we began to make decisions to start expanding and improving our country, our economy improved due to the gain of the Mississippi River and New Orleans trade port, and it diversified America by introducing new races to us, including the Spanish and French. The President at the time of the Louisiana Purchase, Thomas Jefferson, had a great desire for his country’s western expansion. One of Louisiana’s most populous cities at the time, New Orleans, was a popular trading port that sat on the Mississippi River. Jefferson knew American settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains relied on river transport for trading, so he decided to try to gain its control. When Jefferson discovered that he ended up getting ten times the amount of land he asked for a pretty decent price, he was shocked. The land that America now owned doubled the size of the country. Even though the U. S. was not financially in a position to be spending as much as $15 million dollars, Jefferson could not simply pass up this bargain at nearly 3 cents an acre. This large expansion of our country gave us more land to begin to farm and create settlements on. Even though this move was inexpensive, many Federalists claimed it was unconstitutional. Nowhere did the Constitution state that the federal government was allowed to purchase new land. Jefferson knew that this was unconstitutional and felt guilty for even going through with the offer, since it went against his strong beliefs for upholding the constitutional rights. But most Americans supported him and his decision, so he decided to stick with it. Jefferson’s risky act of following his dream of western expansion gave inspiration for future presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt to take strong executive action even when the constitutional laws were absent. Jefferson’s act of near defiance to take the land our people needed is very important to our country and what it is today. The purchase of this large amount of land made America seem threatening to most other countries, since European colonies were no longer present in North America. The Louisiana Purchase was one of the first major actions that began to unify the country, strengthen, and expand it at the same time. When New Orleans was still under French rule, American trade was put in jeopardy when Napoleon threatened to block U. S. access to the New Orleans trade port of the Mississippi River. Due to the location of the Appalachian Mountain range, American settlements relied on river transport to trade their goods. So Jefferson made sure he claimed the territory of Louisiana for his country. Once American had access to the Mississippi River and the New Orleans Trade port in time trade was able to flourish. Also, the land purchase included thirteen new states that became a part of our country, which also improved our economy. When Jefferson decided to send out his secretary, Meriwether Lewis and army officer William Clark to explore his newly purchased land, with the help of a Shoshoni woman Sacajawea, it was another plus for our country’s economy. America gained an expansive amount of scientific observations, and many maps and ideas of the land and its climate and regions. We could now create new states, and create new types of farming and agricultural opportunities, now possible with the vast amounts of land just gained. The Louisiana Purchase helped broaden ways for our economy to grow and expand its horizons with advances in trade, and agriculture. The Louisiana Purchase benefited our country in many ways, and one of the most acknowledged advancements we see and know today is the racial diversity we received when the U. S. acquired Louisiana. Even before Louisiana was under French control, it was preciously under Spanish reign. The mix of these races, French, Spanish, and also the African American slaves brought to America gave and still gives New Orleans its assorted culture it has to this day. Before the Louisiana Purchase, the majority of the citizens living in America were either white, or slaves brought over from Africa. The gain of Louisiana gave America the racial diversity it needed to begin to grow culturally as a country. Today New Orleans is one of the most culture rich cities in our country. It has customs all its own. When Louisiana became a state in 1812, it took its French legal traditions with it. Even now, Louisiana has many laws that are quite different than the English common law. The Louisiana Purchase helped diversify our country and was one of the first states that added different culture and races to our country. The U. S. s a country that has been through and abundance of historical events. But by far, the most significant event in our American history is the Louisiana Purchase. It has expanded and improved our country and inspired our country’s future leaders, it introduced new trade and agricultural possibilities, and it gave our country the racial diversity it needed to enrich our country’s culture. The Louisiana Purchase was the breakthrough our country needed to put an end to controlling colonies and to start taking over continents. How to cite The Most Important Event in Us History, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Evil Rooted In Women Essays - The Canterbury Tales,
The Evil Rooted In Women The Evil Rooted In Women Chaucer, in his female pilgrimage thought of women as having an evil-like quality, that they always tempt and take from men. They were depicted of untrustworthy, selfish and vain. Through the faults of both men and women, Chaucer showed what is right and wrong and how one should live. Under the surface, however, lies a jaded look of women and how they cause for the downfall of men. (chuckiii, 4) Chaucer obviously had very opinionated views of the manners and behaviors of women and expressed it strongly in The Canterbury Tales. In his collection of tales, he portrayed two extremes in his prospect of women. The Wife of Bath represented the extravagant and lusty woman where as the Prioress represented the admirable and devoted followers of church. (Chaucer, 8) Chaucer delineated the two characters contrastingly in their appearances, general manners, education and most evidently in their behavior toward men. Yet, in the midst of disparities, both tales left its readers with an unsolved enigma. The Wife of Bath represents the "liberal" extreme in regards to female stereotypes of the Middle Ages.(chuckiii, 4) Unlike most women being anonymous during the Middle Ages, she has a mind of her own and voices herself. Furthermore, she thinks extremely highly of herself and enjoys showing off her Sunday clothes whenever the opportunity arises. She intimidates men and women alike due to the power she possesses. Because of her obnoxious attitude Chaucer makes her toothless, fat and large. Doubtlessly, she is very ugly, almost to the point of "not-presentable." The Prioress, on the other hand, serves as a foil to the Wife of Bath. Chaucer describes her as "tenderhearted" who can not bear the sight of pain or physical suffering. She will cry at the thought of a dog dying. It could represent that she has a frail soul with low tolerance for pain and suffering.(fordham, 16) The latter description carries over into the modern stereotypes about women as skittish and afraid members of society who need to be cared for. (Fordham, 16) Chaucer paints a very delicate and elegant picture of the Prioress. Her manners of eating are far from the brutish festivals of the time. Chaucer describes her table manners as very graceful, not a drop of anything would fall from her mouth, and she was very polite when taking thing at the table. (lines 131-4). Chaucer's last description of Prioress - the letter "A" around her neck that stood for "Amor vincit omnia" meaning "Love conquers all." The brooch symbolizes love with which her rosaries are adorned is a common accessory for religious devotion which carries the courtly love anthem: love conquers all. (info, 15) The symbol that she wears delineates that she is perfect. Accordingly, the Wife of Bath is daunting, ostentatious and ultimately ugly. She is nothing in comparison to the Prioress who is elegant, pious, well-mannered and above all loving. The Prioress's superiority over the Wife of Bath is shown again in the presence of education. The Wife of Bath has traveled a great deal and seems knowledgeable about things of the world. She brings up many a valid point throughout the prologue but Chaucer voids her opinion because of her social class and looks when in truth she is actually wise. The Wife of Bath has understanding for the world and knows very well what's going on. However, during the Middle Ages, only scholarly or academic knowledge is recognized.(shef, 14) What the Wife of Bath understands and pursues may not be commendable. On the contrarily, the Prioress is considered "scholastic" and high class due to her well-manners. Her ability to speak the noble language --French puts her character in a higher class as well.(prioress, 10) Thus, the Prioress is considered erudite and intelligent. Basically, the Wife of Bath is kind of a foil to the women during the Middle Ages. Her actions and thinking not only differ from the Prioress but almost from everyone else!!! The Wife of Bath is radical especially when it comes to relationship with men. She is characterized as knowing much about love which is illustrated by her physical defect-being gap-toothed symbolizing "sexual accomplishment". The Wife of Bath cannot resist telling her companions about all of her sexual experiences. She also had five husbands and countless affairs, thus breaking innocent men's hearts. Her husbands fell into two categories. The first category of husbands was rich but also old and unable to fulfill her "sexual" demands. The other husbands were sexually vigorous, but harder to control. None of her five marriage was successful because
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Teachings of the Living Prophets †Theology Essay
Teachings of the Living Prophets – Theology Essay Free Online Research Papers Teachings of the Living Prophets Theology Essay In a spiritually turbulent world, General Conference is a wonderful haven. The messages from the General Authorities never fail to bring the Spirit and inspire us to draw closer to Christ; it is clearly evident from their pleadings that they who speak in Conference desire nothing greater than our eternal happiness. The April 2002 meeting certainly was no exception. Those who spoke chose a myriad of topics with which to focus their message, but a general theme appeared in every talk- the world is spiritually dangerous, but Christ’s example and Gospel give us the sole means by which we can fight the influence of Satan, improve, and progress. The meeting opened with President Hinckley’s characteristic optimism. It was the first Conference since the Olympics took place in the same city, and our Prophet had nothing but good, inspiring news about the Church’s positive influence and growth as a result of that international event. He tells us, â€Å"out of all of this came something wonderful for the Church†(Ensign, May 2002 5). The media, which in general had outdated and otherwise prejudiced concepts of the Church, quickly discovered that they were mistaken. They wrote kind things about our institution that were not only positive but accurate. In a spiritually treacherous world, President Hinckley has given us hope and assurance that we are on the right team- that we who follow the Church of Christ are doing what is going to be not only temporally but eternally beneficial. Elder Hales also spoke of the benefits of the last Olympics. His talk centrally concerned the concept of emerging into light out of darkness; the Church has certainly accomplished this with the recent events in Salt Lake City. However, Elder Hales continues to expound on this concept of â€Å"marvelous light†by explaining that the ultimate example of light is Jesus Christ. â€Å"I bear my special witness that Jesus Christ ‘is the light and the life of the world’†(Ibid. 71). Only by pursuing and looking toward our Savior and His teachings as the ultimate light source can we survive the turbulence of the worldly forces around us. In the following talk, President Hinckley enhances this point by likening the darkness to the unknown in front of us. He says that faith is the light by which we can progress into that unfamiliar. â€Å"We reach toward the unknown, but faith lights the way. If we will cultivate that faith, we will never walk in darkness†(Ib id. 73). Elder Russell M. Nelson speaks of this faith as a foundation against the stormy darkness of the world and the burdens it can cause. This foundation is two-tiered. First, of course, there is the immovable foundation of the Lord’s gospel- our Savior’s teachings in amalgamation as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But on a second level, our individual faith is a foundation. Elder Nelson says, â€Å"We know that God lives and that He loves us. Standing on that firm foundation, we can reach up and find strength to endure the heavy burdens of life†(Ibid. 76). Certainly, building a foundation of faith in Christ’s gospel is essential to withstand the buffetings of the world. Faith as a foundation is fundamentally important, but how do we progress from there? Elder Scott expands on the principle of faith with the concept of â€Å"full†or â€Å"true†conversion. He tells us, â€Å"Stated simply, true conversion is the fruit of faith, repentance, and consistent obedience†(Ibid. 25). Not every member of the Church is fully converted; conversion and Church membership are not synonymous terms. However, by building the foundation of faith, repenting when necessary, and striving to be obedient in a consistent manner, we can attain â€Å"full conversion.†Being fully converted means that we are fully equipped to combat Satan and his influence. But more importantly, Elder Scott stresses the point that this process brings about what the prophets ultimately desire- our happiness. Often heard coupled with this â€Å"happiness†is that wonderful word â€Å"peace.†What an ephemeral concept in these turbulent days! Nevertheless, Elder Ballard reminds us how to obtain peace despite our tremulous surroundings. Peace is not found through unchaste activities, or through actions devoid of charity, pleasurable as they may be. Peace is not found in any manner of wickedness. â€Å"Peace- real peace, whole-souled, to the very core of your being- comes only in and through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ†(Ibid. 88). Though location of this peace may be difficult at times, the Lord is always willing to help us obtain it, and the greatest way we obtain help from the Lord is through prayer. We all need the Lord’s help. It is all fine and great to preach obedience and champion progression, but we cannot really go too far without assistance from our Heavenly Father. Luckily, we have His help when we need it. James E. Faust teaches, â€Å"[prayer] is recognition that we need help beyond our own ability†(Ibid. 59). Most assuredly, this is true. God has allowed us to be on the Earth at this time, but He has not done so without promise of His loving assistance. Heavenly Father cannot assist us, however, without an action to assist. President Monson relates how the success of the Tahitian sea captains can be attributed to a single poignant phrase- â€Å"They pray and they go.†In other words, they do not pray for safety and success and then sit at the docks. Faith for them is how it should be- a belief and an action. President Monson later admonishes, â€Å"Let us †¦ be doers of the word, and not hearers only. Let us pray; then let us go and do†(Ibid. 51). Through faith in the Gospel and subsequent application of that faith, we will be able to withstand the storms of this world just as the Tahitians navigated the tempests of their islands. Never has correct application of our faith been so important as it is today. President Hinckley speaks of the tragic evils of spouse abuse, abuse of the elderly, and the malevolence of child abuse. Molestation and abuse of children is a terrible problem; Elder Boyd K. Packer’s talk on children gave an even further assurance that this evil is one of the greatest plagues of our modern era. The Prophet counsels that our behavior and actions â€Å"must be above reproach†(Ibid. 52). Although he is speaking specifically to priesthood holders, this council certainly has universal application. No one, of course, is perfect. The Lord loves us anyway. Elder Maxwell assures us that â€Å"the Lord has said consolingly, ‘My grace is sufficient for you.’†In addition, â€Å"He has also promised to make weak things strong†(Ibid. 38). And Elder Holland, in his talk on the â€Å"other prodigal,†makes it clear that Heavenly Father loves us- â€Å"insecurities, anxieties, self-image and all†(Ibid. 64). In addition, we are given friends to help us progress in our quest to become like Christ, as Elder Eyring points out. Sometimes these friends bring us to the Gospel and sometimes they provide reinforcements in the battle against the world. The battle against the world is raging fiercely in these latter days and the Gospel of Jesus Christ provides the only true and lasting counsel against its onslaught. Elder Dallin H. Oaks reflects in his talk that he is â€Å"grateful for the warnings of the scriptures and Church leaders on things to avoid†(Ibid. 35). He then describes the importance of taking on the â€Å"whole armor of God†to be able to withstand the last days. The rest of his talk is also wonderful in its description of the ability of the Church to assist in our progression. He makes it clear that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way by which we can truly improve and fight against the evils of pornography, alcohol, drugs, and gambling, to name a few. Elder Wirthlin calls these vices â€Å"nets,†and likens them and other addictive or worldly pursuits to the nets of Simon Peter when the Lord called out to him, â€Å"follow me.†In other words, they may be difficult to leave becau se they are so comfortable, addictive, or pleasurable. We can imagine it was a big thing for Peter to leave his nets- they were, after all, his livelihood and he was no destitute fisherman by any means. Elder Wirthlin summarizes his point by telling us, â€Å"Jesus the Christ is ‘the way, the truth, and the life: no [one] cometh unto the Father, but by [Him]†(Ibid. 17). Basically, following Christ is the only way to avoid the pitfalls of the world and come â€Å"unto the Father.†Just as he opened optimistically, President Hinckley exuded similar hope and faith in his brief closing remarks. Probably the most significant of those remarks was his hope that, â€Å"Each of us should be a little better for this rich experience. Otherwise, our gathering has been largely in vain†(Ibid. 90). Implicit in this statement is the inference that the purpose of the General Conference was to help us improve and progress. Obviously, then, we should not ignore or passively take in the talks given at Conference. Even in this world, with its spinning tempestuous wickedness and plummeting standards, our ultimate goal still remains to progress toward eternal happiness by following the teachings of Christ. It may be more difficult than it has been. It may require a little more effort. But this is why we have prophets today: to guide us and teach us the Gospel of Jesus Christ- the only path to attain joy on Earth and happiness in the eternities. Research Papers on Teachings of the Living Prophets - Theology EssayComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoQuebec and CanadaBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XHip-Hop is ArtUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresMind TravelTrailblazing by Eric AndersonCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement
Monday, March 2, 2020
A Level System Supports Positive Behavior
A Level System Supports Positive Behavior A level system for behavior contract is in many ways a sophisticated system for improving and shaping students long term behavior. By establishing levels, much as in a rubric for academic performance, you can shape students behavior by slowly increasing the expectations for meeting each level. This system is particularly good for secondary students, and can help a student in a single class or across classes. Creating a Level System Choosing Behaviors to Monitor Begin by identifying which behaviors will pull the cart of the students behavior. In other words if you successfully identify behaviors that are pivotal for improving a students over all performance and behavior in your class, focus on them. Behaviors need to be explicit and measurable, although data collection is not your primary focus. Still, avoid general, subjective terms like respectful, or attitude. Focus on the behaviors that will eliminate the attitude. Instead of shows respect for peers you need to identify the behavior as Waits to be called on or Waits rather than interrupts peers. You cannot tell your students what to feel. You can tell them what their behavior should look like. Choose 4 or 5 behaviors that will define the levels: i.e. PunctualityConforming to rules.Completing assignments,Participation Some people would include listening but I find that some secondary students who appear to be ignoring the teacher may actually be listening. You can ask for certain kinds of academic behavior that show whether a student has been attending or not. You cannot actually see students listening. Define the Behaviors for Each Level Describe what is excellent, good, or poor punctuality. Excellent may be on time and ready to learn. Good might be on time. And poor would be late or tardy. Determine Consequences for the Students Behavior Positive consequences can be given weekly or daily, depending on the age and maturity of the student or the intensity or inappropriateness of the behavior. For students with grossly inappropriate behavior , or who have a long way to go, you may want to reward performance daily. As a student participates in a behavior support program, over time, you want to thin reinforcement as well as spread it out so that students learn eventually to evaluate their own behavior and reward themselves for appropriate behavior. Consequences can be positive (a reward) or negative (loss of privileges) depending on the number of excellents or the number of poors each student earns. Decide Who will Provide the Reinforcement I would try to get parents to do the reinforcing if at all possible. Secondary students are especially gifted at working teachers against parents or parents against teacher. When you have parents on board, you are more likely to get the cooperation of a student. It also make lessons learned in school generalize to the students home. There is also nothing wrong with double dipping, providing one level of reward at school (i.e. a privilege earned for so many excellents) and another at home (a trip to a preferred restaurant with the family for so many excellents in a week, etc.) Evaluate and Re-evaluate Eventually, your goal is for students to learn to self-evaluate. You want to Fade from supporting the students behavior. You want to achieve these by. Increasing the time you evaluate, from daily to weekly.Raise the level of behavior you want the student to exhibit for each behavior (especially academic behavior. Tools for a Level Behavior System A Contract: Your contract needs to lay out the who, what, where, when, how of your system. Who: The students who will perform the behavior, the parent(s) who will reinforce the appropriate behavior and the teacher(s) who will evaluate the students behavior.What: Behavior you want to see increase. Remember, keep it positive.Where: all classes, or just one where the student is struggling? Do mom and want to continue the plan at home? (include levels for cleaning the room, say, or touching base with parents when out with friends?)When: Daily? Each period? Weekly? Remember to make it often enough to quickly increase the behavior, but understand that you will eventually be thinning reinforcement by spreading the incidence of reinforcement over longer intervals.How: Who is the evaluator? Will you give the student input on evaluation, or will it all be on you? Monitoring Tools: You want to create a tool that will make it easy for you or for general education teachers who may be evaluating students. I offer you models for A contract for a single class with a key.A blank contract for a single class.A week for a self contained program.A week for multiple classes.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Reflective Report includee 2 tasks M Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Reflective Report includee 2 tasks M - Essay Example My expectation from UK was to find and acquire quality education applicable in the current global job market. I also expected to combine work and study in order to finance my personal needs, acquire valuable work experience as well as improve my professional network. I have learned how to live in a multicultural environment since I came to the UK even though there were a lot of challenges in adapting to the life in UK. I have also become a more sociable and confident person from interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds. I have been exposed to different experiences and cultures of which I wouldn’t have if I was not in the UK. Before I came to the UK I was very shy unlike now. It was not easy for me to make major decision all by myself but the experience here has made me more independent. Among the things I have learnt at Greenwich is how to combine both the theoretical and practical aspects of my studies in real life situations. This has been very helpful to me sin ce theory doesn’t always aid one in getting a placement, an internship or a job. Given that English is not my first language, communication proved quite an uphill task for me at first but I eventually had to learn how to use it fluently. I have learnt to improve my English by wide range of educative books such as those which target international student learning English. This was very useful in the beginning since English in such books is written in a manner that is somewhat simplified. This made it easy for me to learn and understand English. I also sharpened my skills by frequently watching English TV episodes. This made learning more fun. I also engaged in discussions with my fellow student. This improved my communication skills since I can now confidently express myself in English. Since I started learning at the Greenwich University, my study skills have greatly improved. I have learnt to always prepare for my classes at the most appropriate time. For classes that involv e recitation, I spend time making questions regarding previous recitation, brushing up on the facts I have and try to memorize them. In the case of lecture classes I make sure I review my notes and organize them appropriately. I have also come to learn to study at the time when I feel fresh and vibrant. In my case, early morning hours are my favorite. In the night times, I am usually tired making reading at such a time is ineffective. Since I work and study at the same time, I believe I have excellent employability skills. I am therefore in a good position to get a full-time job in my home country after I graduate. I was also able to make professional contacts back at my home country through networking skills I acquired here in the UK. My communication skills will enable be work efficiently with people from various regions while at my home country. The knowledge which I have acquired at Greenwich University is of high standards and globally recognized. This will help me climb my car eer ladders faster while back at home. I am very delighted to be studying and working in the United Kingdom since I have gained a lot in terms of knowledge and experience. TASK 2 Reflection on Research Preparation The process of preparing for my research was quite interesting. This is because of what I learnt and the challenges which I faced. To begin with, I did not know where to start from since I had not thought of an area in which I
Sunday, February 2, 2020
How should the set be constructed and designed in order to reflect Research Paper
How should the set be constructed and designed in order to reflect traditional Expressionist Theatre in a production of The Silver Tassie by Sean OCassey - Research Paper Example This thus makes second language acquisition difficult and slow. But a scientific factor as to why children learn second languages easier and quicker than adults is that children’s brains are flexible until they reach their teenage years in a process known as lateralization. Here the brain loses its flexibility by assigning specific roles to each side of the brain making learning hard and slow (VanPatten et al, 2004). This is also true in the learning of subjects as children catch up quickly and memorize unlike adults. This essay is going to review recent research findings related to how age affects the second language acquisition process mostly for English language learners that are new comers into the US. The language acquisition process is process where language is observed, grasped and produced by a child, which is the first language (Clark, 2001). The same process is used in the second language acquisition. The second language acquisition process has steps that it follows to learn. That is the child must learn the word, retain them, recall them and apply them constantly to be perfect (Birdsong, 2006). This steps cannot happen on their own since the child needs to first learn the language and this the child does by following some set of steps. These steps include Imitation, repetition, memorization, drilling and reinforcement. When a child is at this stage reinforcement is very productive and rewarding the child when they make good sentences or the correct words will enhance quick learning process of language acquisition. When this achieved it means that the child can now talk. The acquisition of the second language now comes into play and a theory is that a child’s learning of the first language is an insight to his learning the second language. This term was developed by a philosopher Noam Chomsky and it is abbreviated as UG. Chomsky in his theory suggests that human beings in general do not have to be taught language to acquire it but rather
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Americas Desire to Enter into World War I Essay -- America and World
World War I, known as the Great War prior to World War II, was a global war which began in Europe on July 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918. The Central Power, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, were at war with the Allies, Great Britain, France, and Russia. These alliances posed a threat when Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist; at this time, Germany urged the Austro-Hungarian Empire to reciprocate and Serbia turned to Russia for help. A chain reaction began and soon Europe was entangled in a world-wide war. In 1917, the United States entered the war, joining the Allies due to issues with Germany, despite supposed reluctance. Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States throughout the duration of World War I, proved through foreign policy from 1914-1917, the United States’ citizens’ and governments’ evident desire for war from April 1917 to November 1918, and the United Statesâ€⠄¢ domestic effects from the war from April 1917 to 1919 that the United States was eager to enter World War I. President Wilson asserted in 1917, â€Å"I think that you will agree with me that, in view of this [submarine] declaration†¦this Government has no alternative, consistent with the dignity and honor of the United States, but to take the course which†¦it announced that it would take†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany, and so it happened. President Wilson’s alleged ‘neutrality’, the Preparedness Act and war declaration were foreign policies executed in the United States from 1914-1917 that validate the fact that the government, as well as American citizens, was eager to enter World War I. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared neutrality in the United Stat... ...ight in World War I through Woodrow Wilson’s unwilling demonstration of American foreign policy from 1914-1917, the American desire for war from April 1917 to November 1918, and the domestic effects in American from the war from April 1917 to 1919. World War I helped the United States achieve a boom in its economy before the Great Depression and strengthened ties between the members of the Allied Powers. Work Cited Bailey, Thomas A., and David M. Kennedy. The American Spirit. 9th ed. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. Print. Beasley, Mark W. Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace &, 1999. Print. Faragher, John M., Mari J. Buhle, Daniel Czitrom, and Susan H. Armitage. Out of Many: A History of the American People. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011. Print.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Dualism in Indian Management
Dualism In Indian Management The management concept in the west developed as a result of evolutionary process, based on the changing values systems of the people – the social, political, and economic environment as well as educational and cultural milieu. However, in India, historically we never evolved our own concepts, keeping the Indian scenario in view. We found it convenient to transfer management technology, just as scientific technology. Most of the management concepts in India have been borrowed from west. During last three decades the western especially the American concepts of management have become popular in India and to a large extent efforts are made to absorb some of these concepts in wide variety of organizational settings which range d from Taylor’s Scientific management, management by objective to emphasis on business process reengineering etc. 1. â€Å"The actual management practices in India greatly differ from what we learn in Management schools which are based mostly on western philosophy†The broad concepts of management and administration are in a sense universal. The culture specificity obtains to the extent to which these are applied. The concepts of planning, recruitment, training, financial systems and control, etc. , are there in any culture, but the specificity is in how they are run and implemented. In India, too, down the ages there have been the existence of these universal principles and concepts of management and administration. But the difference in Indian administration and management lies in the subtle variation in how planning is carried out, how much is implemented, how recruitment takes place, what are the considerations, how are the financial controls effected and so on. The differences that manifest in Indian management and administrative practices are the result of the norms and expectations of the people through their history. Most of the management practices in India have been borrowed from the West. Most of them are given training in western countries and learning western management policies. When he applies these policies in the Indian organizations where the situation is entirely different, he finds does not proceed as planned. There is a distinct hiatus between the rofessed policies and the practices followed in the Indian environment as a result of these compromises. Assuming that foreign management practices will work equally well in Indian conditions, policies are evolved and plans made. Since goals set in this way are largely achieved, there is a perception that management practices in India are similar to the foreign ones. This may not be always true. In India management is characterized by peculiar dualism. There is a distinct hiatus be tween the professed policies and the actual practices followed in the Indian organizations. This is due to the effect of western policies on Indian management practices. Peculiarities of Indian management †¢ The emphasis on the personality of the top leader in the organization. †¢ Expectation of Indian people is more towards paternalism. The essential requisite for paternalism appears to be unity in the leadership, and single, identifiable source of power. †¢ â€Å"Familial Feeling†perceived by the employees because of the parental attitude adopted by the superiors and colleagues which gives a sense of security and belongingness among the employees. Dualism exists in almost all aspects of management starting from corporate planning, recruitment promotion, transfers to financial system and marketing aspects. The western management concepts got evolved when there was proprietary ownership and was based on the decision making process of organizing, planning, directing, coordinating, controlling etc and the manager having the right and prerogative to plan , organize, direct and control. However, over the years the ownership patterns of the organization changed from proprietary ownership to public ownership. The western management is passing through a confused state of evolutionary process where the past management concepts based on managerial rights and prerogatives are dead due to various countervailing forces, and the new concepts are yet to be born. There is a strong perception in western management that entire change process in the organization has to be brought in by the man at the top. The model organizations is not the one which, as widely believed in west and in India, where one man runs a spectacular show while he is there, to see it crumble after his exit. . Modifications suggested in the management policies to make it suitable for Indian Conditions. With the enthusiasm to run the organization on â€Å"modern†/ â€Å"professional†management principles many a times the consultants specially the foreign/western recommend management techniques based on their models and latest fads on the precepts that all those techniques could be applied in Indian environment, whi ch they discover later that they could not be implemented resulting in further frustration and acrimonious debates on the value of such advises. This is primarily because of the lack of thorough and intrinsic research on Indian management i. e. what works in India and what does not work. Organizations have been investing huge resources on various borrowed concepts of management emanating from west and other countries, such as Management by Objective (MBO); Business Process Reengineering (BPR); Total Quality Management (TQM); Just In Time (JIT); Strategic Management, Target Oriented or 360 Degree Appraisal System, Balanced Score Card etc. Researches indicate these concepts in the long run get abandoned or just remain on paper though what actually happens is quite different resulting in frustration due to dualism in management. In Indian Context, to bring about a change, it is important that the dynamics of Indian environment included familial culture, is not completely separated from the organization holding purely by the dictates of alien management principles. Certain legal modifications should be made to have longer tenure for the top management with internal promotions and appropriate career and succession plan. Succession planning would insulate the organization from periodic upheavals that normally occur with changes in the leadership. It will also lend a sense of stability to the organizations over a period of time. Indian management needs to move away from short-term profitability to long-term institution building. If as it is at present, the personality of the leader overwhelms the institution, it should be his responsibility to build tradition and practices that are conducive to long-term institution building. Little attention is paid to career planning. This will only lead to discontent. Organizations must have systematic career planning for employees from the time they join. Indian management should move towards institutionalization and standardization of practices across organizations. This has to be done over a long term. ASSIGNMENT ON Dualism In Indian Management Submitted By, Dhanya Mathew MBA-L Reg No. 0921242
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
African American Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay
Coming of Age In Mississippi The 1950’s and 1960’s remains the most controversial and momentous decades for the nation to this day. The civil rights movement was to end racial segregation and end all prejudice against African Americans. Whether it was voting rights, rights to sit wherever one liked, or to love someone outside of ones race; racist people at this time were reluctant to have equality. These civil rights movements challenged and demanded to be heard through protest and nonviolent activity. However, these protests never were noted and were completely shut down by authorities and other racist bystanders. Americans and their confidence in their way of ignorance was most certainly challenged during this time; how could one†¦show more content†¦It was challenging to ignore; these images circled the nation showing African American people who were dignified and hopeful, dedicating their lives to shape destinies. There were many tactics and strategies that were adopted by the civil rights movement. African Americans would advocate for equality by sit-ins, freedom rides, speeches/rallies, and with the media. For example, there was a decision made by four North Carolina freshman to sit at the lunch counter of a local restaurant to initiate a new phase of civil rights activity. This sit-in was called the â€Å"Jackson Sit-In†and it caused an outbreak of new black college students from all areas of the South to make a difference too. Among them was the author of Coming of Age in Mississippi, Anne Moody. This protest was depicted as being horrific and dangerous to the young lives of these college students. In Takin’ to the Streets, Anne Moody tells the Jackson Sit-In in her own words; â€Å"‘ We would like to be served here†I said. The waitress started to repeat what she had said, then stopped in the middle of the sentence. She turned the lights out behind the counter , and she and the other waitress almost ran to the back of the store, deserting all their white customers. I guess they thought that violence would start immediately after the whites at the counter realized what was going on.†(Page 18, Takin’ It To The Streets.) This quote in the third edition of the sixties reader is significant because it perfectlyShow MoreRelatedThe Monograph Coming of age in Mississippi1286 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ MONOGRAPH PAPER COMING OF AGE IN MISSISSIPPI Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody was published on 1968. This autobiography is memoires of Anne Moody about growing up poor and black in the rural Mississippi. The book was divided into four parts from childhood until her late 20s that described the experiences of Anne Moody in the Civil Rights Movement and her struggles against racism. Anne Moody was born in the 1940s which was the time after World War IIRead MoreAnne Moody s Coming Of Age881 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Moody, Anne. Coming of Age in Mississippi. New York: Dial, 1968. Print.†Anne Moody was a determined, educated, and an inspiring civil rights activist who was born in Gloster, Mississippi. Born on September 15th, 1940-passed away February 5th, 2015 Anne Moody dedicated her life to making the United States a better place for not only African American’s, but pleaded for equality amongst all races as well. Awarded best book of the year in 1969 by the National Library Association, Anne Moody writesRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1206 Words  | 5 PagesAnne Moody’s, â€Å"Coming of Age in Mississippi†is an autobiography of hers that depicts the time of injustice, racial discrimination, oppression and the hardships African Americans dealt with during this time of inequality and how it led to C ivil Rights Movement. Anne Moody’s overall life experience since her young age of 4, till her age of 24 of the movement, greatly shows the struggles of the time with uses on her emotional experiences and her analyzing skills of her time which did not fail to catchRead MoreComing of Age in Mississippi and Segregation Essay1304 Words  | 6 PagesComing of Age in Mississippi is an autobiography of the famous Anne Moody. Moody grew up in mist of a Civil Rights Movement as a poor African American woman in rural Mississippi. Her story comprises of her trials and tribulations from life in the South during the rise of the Civil Rights movement. Life during this time embraced segregation, which made life for African Americans rough. As an African American woman growing up during the Civil Rights movement, Moody has a unique story on themes likeRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of The Coming Of Age 1078 Words  | 5 PagesGeneva Smith P. Foster Composition 132 11 May 2016 Internalized Oppression in Coming of Age in Mississippi According to the author’s mother, Toosweet, black people will always face despair because change within the white supremacy system is nearly impossible. In the novel Coming of Age in Mississippi, internalized oppression divides the black community in the face of white oppression. By accepting the injustices, the black community indirectly supports oppression. Moody’s family hates the idea ofRead MoreEssay about The Expansion of the Great Black Migration1253 Words  | 6 Pages Marcus Garvey, and W.E.B. Du Bois asked blacks to help themselves by establishing a culture within their communities. Other notable figures in black communities called out discriminate and violent acts against blacks to help bring awareness to Americans of what was happening across the nation. In all-black communities in New York City, the crusade for justice pushed blacks to participate in fine arts such as music, dance, writing, and painting. Participation in fine arts mostly helped literary writersRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1362 Words  | 6 Pages Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay Fredric Stanley HIST 3881 Professor James Conway 7 November 2015 â€Æ' Though we Americans, in all of our efforts, feel as if the day of racism is coming to an end, I feel it is merely evolving into a much more subtle approach. Seeing life through the words of Anne Moody in her book entitled, Coming of Age in Mississippi, shows that racism, even back then, is treated with remedies versus a cure. After the many anti-discrimination legislations passed as well asRead MoreHistory Essay Review756 Words  | 4 PagesTHE PRESENT Writing Assignments / Midterm Exams and Book Discussion Section Required Texts: * Anne Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi (Random House, 1992). ISBN: 9780440314882 Anne Moody was born on September 15, 1940, in Wilkinson County, Mississippi. Coming ofAge in Mississippi is an autobiographical book about life in Mississippi, the struggle of African Americans in the state and in the South, the life of a black child and woman in the South, and the role of race and racism in AmericaRead MoreComing of Age in Mississippi vs. The Jungle Paper1039 Words  | 5 PagesComing of Age in Mississippi vs. The Jungle Paper There is an argument that states that Anne Moodys tale in Coming of Age in Mississippi is a more optimistic tale then that of Jurgis Rutkis in The Jungle and vice versa. This is not the case. When you take the time to analyze both story, you come to find that both have the same pessimistic core. The only difference is the character Jurgis was optimist throughout most of the beginning despite his circumstances yet in the end he loses all hopeRead MoreAnne Moody s Coming Of Age1189 Words  | 5 PagesAnne Moody is the author of Coming of Age in Mississippi which was originally published in 1968. Anne Moody is a famous African American Mississippi author who was born in Wilkinson County, Mississippi on September 15, 1940. She was the eldest of nine children born to Fred and Elnire Moody. While growing up in Mississippi, Moody attended a segregated school where she was an outstanding scholar. Moody cleaned houses in order to keep food on the table and clothes on her family members’ backs. In 1961
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