Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Amblyopia Essay examples - 1794 Words
Amblyopia This paper provides a brief description of amblyopia and discusses current research regarding the motion pathway in individuals with amblyopia. Amblyopia is a condition in which visual acuity in one eye is greatly reduced. It is caused by lack of stimulation or disuse during visual development (Rose, 1998). Because the eye is not fully developed at birth (Jarvis, 1992, as cited in Rose, 1998), infants need stimulation to complete the visual neural pathway. When one or both eyes are inhibited, for example due to misalignment of one eye (strabismus) or a large difference in refractive power between two eyes (anisometropia), the neural pathway for the inhibited eye develops abnormally, or does not develop at all. At†¦show more content†¦This information is important because it could provide meaningful insight into the nature of the underlying problems involved (Hess Anderson, 1993). There is a general consensus that amblyopes have reduced contrast sensitivity, grating acuity, and spatial resolution in one eye and a loss of binocular vision (Levi, 1991; Sireteanu et al., 1977, as cited in Fahle Bachmann, 1996). Amblyopes also suffer from crowding (Levi Klein, 1985, as cited in Fahle Bachmann, 1996) which causes difficulty, for example, in comprehending a letter found in text rather than an isolated letter. The mechanisms delegating positional information are also disabled in amblyopes (Rentschler Hilz, 1985, as cited in Fahle Bachmann, 1996). Even though amblyopia results in a profusion of visual obstacles, there is one area for which amblyopia may actually provide beneficial. Arguments have been made that while fine spatial detail has been affected in amblyopes, the motion pathway has not been affected (Chung Levi, 1997; Kubova, Kuba, Juran, Blakemore, 1996), and may even be more acute (Fahle Bachmann, 1996). It has been proposed that in amblyopes the parvocellular pathway is impaired resulting in loss of fine spatial detail (Kubova, et al., 1996). On the other hand, parasol cells that lie in the magnocellular layersShow MoreRelatedThe, The Silent Thief, By. Levi, Knill And Bavelier1590 Words  | 7 PagesDraft essay Amblyopia is described by; Levi, Knill and Bavelier (2015) as a neurodevelopmental disorder of the visual cortex. A disorder characterised by Rose (1998) as the â€Å"silent thief†, a term that purportedly portrays the consequences of amblyopia going undetected. Amblyopia has been reported as the most common cause of monocular blindness worldwide Wong (2012), and in a recent review conducted by (Tailor, Bossi, Greenwood and Dahlmann-Noor, 2016) was cited the most common visual deficit amongRead More Strabismus Essays1347 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent directions. One eye may look straight ahead, whil e the other eye turns inward, outward, upward, or downward. You may always notice the misalignment, or it may come and go. A second disorder, amblyopia, commonly goes along with strabismus. Again, from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Amblyopia is p oor vision in an eye that did not develop normal sight during early childhood. It is sometimes called lazy eye. (7) The reason these two conditions are so closely linked relates to how the brainRead MoreAnalysis Of Hubel And Wiesel s Silent Thief 1624 Words  | 7 Pagesclinical interest stems from efforts to find better treatments for amblyopia (‘lazy eye’), a common developmental disorder of vision affecting 2–4% of the population.Amblyopia is described by; Levi, Knill and Bavelier (2015) as a neurodevelopmental disorder of the visual cortex. A disorder characterised by Rose (1998) as the â€Å"silent thief†, a term that purportedly portrays the consequences of amblyopia going undetected. Amblyopia has been reported as the most common cause of monocular blindness worldwideRead MoreEssay On Vivisection727 Words  | 3 Pagesthat without the use of animals in the laboratory, humans would not have modern medicine like antibiotics, analgesic, and cancer drugs (1). For example, Hanlon believes by sewing kittens’ eyelids together can aid researchers to study the effects of amblyopia in children (1). Conversely, the use of animals as laboratory test subjects can give rise to inaccurate results because of the biological and genetic differences between human and nonhuman species. This essay argues against Hanlon’s stance on vivisectionRead MoreMyopia ( Nearsightedness ) Is A Common Vision Condition1234 Words  | 5 Pagesproperly, leading to amblyopia(weaken vision) in the eye. Strabismus can be caused by problems with eye muscles, the nerves that transmit information to the muscles, or the control center in the brain that directs eye movement. It can also develop due to other general health condition or eye injuries. Amblyopia also known as lazy eye is reduced vision in one eye caused by abnormal visual development early in life. The weaker- or lazy - eye often wanders inward or outward. Amblyopia generally developsRead MoreSeeing With The Eyes Or The Brain1873 Words  | 8 Pagescontrol the amount of light that enters your eye. Amblyopia In amblyopia, the muscles around the eyes are too weak to hold the eye in place correctly. This means that the eyes become misaligned and leads to a loss in visual acuity. Amblyopia usually starts to develop at an early age such as during childhood and, on many occasions, only affects one eye. However, if left untreated, it can cause severe visual disability in the eye. One way of treating amblyopia is through the use of the patching method. WithRead MoreEssay About Children1498 Words  | 6 Pagescouldn’t see him at all when the doctor himself stood in front of me. The doctor walked me back to the room my parents were still perched on the chairs in and closed the doors. â€Å"Folks, your daughter has amblyopia.†* * * I took a deep breath and leaned over the desk to settle myself. â€Å"Amblyopia is a condition where the nerves in my brain can’t receive the images my eye is trying to send to it.†I had given this explanation to people a million times, and it always takes me back to that day I wasRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On The World1988 Words  | 8 Pagesdone by Charlie Ngo, a professor at the University of California, have actually shown that playing both action and non-action video games can help prevent amblyopia, or â€Å"lazy eye†(Charlie pg. 1). The visual pressure and engagement that action video games provide to the player help improves his, or her, vision and, therefore, patients with amblyopia (the medical term used when the vision in one of the eyes is reduced because the eye and the brain are not working together properly) can improve theirRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Our Children1627 Words  | 7 Pagesimproves our basic visual processes. In brief, it improves visual contrast sensitivity and provides successful treatment of amblyopia. For instance, â€Å"Fifty hours of action video game play (spread over ten to twelve weeks) improved visual contrast sensitivity (the ability to distinguish subtle differences in shades of gray) compared to controls†(Burnsed 23). Furthermore, Amblyopia (also called â€Å"lazy eye†) is a disorder arising from early childhood in which one eye becomes essentially non-functional.Read MoreViolent Video Games Have Negative Effects904 Words  | 4 Pagestherapeutic [stress reliever], and it improves motor skills and eye coordination. â€Å"A study conducted by researchers at McMaster University indicates that playing first person shooter games can help improve the eyesight of people with conditions like amblyopia or cataracts.†(Carter). Others say â€Å"Video game violence gives me a non-violent source of aggression release...†(Keeney). In spite of this compelling argument, research conducted has shown that a child is highly influenced by the things he or
Monday, December 23, 2019
Child Abuse Sibling Incest - 1898 Words
Running Head: CHILD ABUSE: SIBLING INCEST Incest Within the Family Unit and Sibling Abuse H_D 300: Child Neglect and Abuse Fall 2014 Laiklyn L. Luikart 11334761 Abstract Incest is a form of child abuse that involves sexual contact between family members and the child. Sexual abuse is most commonly found within the family, categorizing it as incest. Incest has detrimental affects on children’s physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development and furthermore changes the dynamic of the family system, a child’s main resource. There are different types of familial incest, but sibling sexual abuse is universal accepted as the most prevalent form. The family violence is usually an active household cycle passed down from generations and most perpetrators have been victims of abuse themselves. Treatment of victims is a slow healing process that requires a safe environment and stable, healthy relationships. Keywords: Incest, Sibling Sexual Abuse, Children, Family Violence In America, all states have passed a law outlawing incest to be committed. Incest is the most commonly occurring type of child sexual abuse that involves sexual behaviors of different variations within the family unit. Adults can choose to be involved in incest, but for most cases that occur, children fall victims of incest by force. Diana Russell’s research about incestuous abuse contributes to the findings that incest does not just occur in America, but it is a prevailing issueShow MoreRelatedThe Case Of Sexual Abusers1550 Words  | 7 Pageslarge percentage of incest crimes involving children are often done by a male figure in the family. It’s usually father, or the stepfather, in the family who is the perpetrator, and the daughter who is the victim. In cases of daughter and father incest, the mother is usually aware of what’s going on but pretends not to know. Although the father is the abuser in this situation both parents are participating just in a dif ferent way. The mother not stepping in and helping the child is almost as bad asRead MoreIncest: Family and Child Sexual Abuse1573 Words  | 7 PagesINCEST I never in life want to see you again! Door slams. Mother breaks down and cries again. She lies down in her room. Her son lies beside her to comfort her. Mom rubbed him, kissed, and told him she loved him. She woke him up in the morning; he gathered his pajamas from the edge of the bed and on the floor. Mom today was extremely happy this morning. Dad no longer being around and me taking his place was just the thing that mom needed. Are there true causes to why there is a desire to wantRead MoreEssay on Incest Taboo1719 Words  | 7 PagesIncest is a word that is often misunderstood but universally considered taboo. While incest is listed as a criminal offense, many health care professionals have no clear idea of what constitutes incest or some incestuous acts are reportable by law. There are endless academic writings on the subject, yet may confuse rather than clarify because of lack of adequate definitions. Incest may be considered one of the only universal taboos, however, there is no uniformity as to which degrees are involvedRead MoreFlowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews823 Words  | 3 PagesFamily history The movie Flowers in the Attic follows the Dollangangers as they try and survive the abuse perpetrated by both their mother Corrine Dollanganger who is approximately 36 years of age, and their grandmother Olivia Foxworthy, who is approximately 60 years of age. Olivia is known by the children as the grandmother. The movie opens with what looks to be a normal American family in the 1960’s with two boys Christopher Chris Dollanganger, Jr., who is approximately 16 years old, CoryRead MoreRape and Sexual Assault1997 Words  | 8 Pagessituation in which it occurs, the sex or characteristics of the victim, and/or the sex or characteristics of the perpetrator. Different types of rape include but are not limited to: date rape, gang rape, marital rape or spousal rape, incestral rape, child sexual abuse, prison rape, acquaintance rape, and statutory rape. Date rape, often referred to as â€Å"acquaintance rape†, is an assault or attempted assault usually committed by a new acquaintance involving sexual intercourse without mutual consent. TheRead MoreAn Additional Facet of the Incest Taboo: a Protection of the Mating-strategy Template5027 Words  | 21 PagesMAINTENANCE of the incest taboo have been sources of interest and debate for decades in a number of different disciplines. The universality of the taboo, in one form or another, has served to fuel the discussions. Nested within differences in the theorists orientations and conclusions is a consensus that, with very few exceptions, sexual intercourse is prohibited between members of the nuclear family who are not spouses -- father-child, mother-child, son-sibling, daughter-sibling. Most cultures extendRead MoreThe Relationships Between Parents and Children in Greek and Roman Myths1422 Words  | 6 PagesContrary to the present archetypes involving the relationships between parents and children, Greek and Roman myths show us that at one point in time, incest was considered socially acceptable. Many Greek and Roman myths contain twisted relationships between parents and children. These twisted relationships can be broken into three different categories: mothers and sons that have exceptionally strong bonds, parents that are threatened by their children, and the betrayal of parents or children. GreekRead MoreChildhood Of Their Own Lives Essay1475 Words  | 6 PagesGordon, Linda, Heroes of their Own Lives: The Politics and History of Family Violence, 1988 (New York, New York: Viking Penguin Inc., 1988), 383. Child abuse, neglect, incest, and spousal abuse affects thousands every year, but this is not a newly discovered problem. In Heroes of their Own Lives Linda Gordon discusses the history of family violence in Chicago, Illinois from 1880 to the 1960s. Gordon is a professor of American history at the University of Wisconsin, who has written many books on women’sRead MorePedophilia and Deviant Behavior1695 Words  | 7 Pagesmentally, psychologically, and sexually. Many times the direct impact of child sexual abuse is not made manifest until well in to adulthood. Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, insomnia, alcohol and or drug abuse, hypertension, obesity, sexually transmitted diseases, lack of trust and marital problems are all more frequent in the demographic of adults who were sexually abused or coerced as children (Child Sexual Abuse I: An Overview). Pedophiles were previously known to be organizedRead MoreThe Controversial Issues Of Abortion1528 Words  | 7 Pagesmandatory waiting periods, and biased counseling. As of right now, abortion is legal. Abortion should remain legal because of the following issues child-bearing women can potentially face: medical issues, safety concerns, and rape/incest situations. Women considering abortion may be undergoing this procedure due to very serious medical issues, either with the child or themselves. A common, fatal condition in children where most women choose to terminate their pregnancy is Trisomy 18. Trisomy 18, otherwise
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Juvenile Justice Articles Free Essays
Samara Belgrade Ventura county 14-year-old boy, Brandon McClellan was arrested and charged with the shooting death off classmate Lawrence King. Lawrence was shot In the head at a close range. This crime was a premeditated hate crime, therefore, the Dialect Attorney added special allegation of a hate crime against Brandon McClellan, and he was charged as an adult. We will write a custom essay sample on Juvenile Justice Articles or any similar topic only for you Order Now Larry King classmates indicated that King had recently started to wear makeup and had openly proclaimed himself as gay. Classmates also indicated that King and a group of students had a confrontation due to his sexual orientation the day before he was murdered. McClellan recently turned 14, this is the legal age for charging an adolescent as an adult under the early sass’s Proposition 21 . Brandon McClellan was sentenced to 21 years for the killing Lawrence King. Juvenile arrested after hooting at undercover police in Lincoln Heights A male juvenile was booked for attempted murder after shots were fired at undercover police officers in Lincoln Heights. The 16-year-old male was captured after a search of more than seven hours inside a closed perimeter in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood, Los Angels Police Department SST. Kevin Moore said. The search began after an unknown number of shots were fired at a car driven by undercover narcotics detectives, neither officer were hurt. A citywide tactical alert, where all police personnel had their shifts extended as the search continued, was issued at 7:15 p. M. And downgraded to the Central Bureau at 8 p. M. How to cite Juvenile Justice Articles, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
An Early Childhood Education And Care †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the An Early Childhood Education And Care. Answer: Three different learning styles proposed by Dunn and Dunn (1978) An early childhood educator has a key role to play in the lives of the children. It is important that they understand the different styles of learning and its importance in the lives of the children. The various learning styles, as proposed by Dunn and Dunn (1987), are as follows: Environmental Emotional Sociological Physical Psychological Out of these five learning styles, the three chosen styles include the environmental elements, sociological elements, and physiological elements. Environmental elements The environmental elements include the presence of absence of sound, light and its brightness, temperature and the feeling of hot or cold and the design formal and informal seating. The noise level is an important factor for learning (Buckingham, 2013). While some of the children need a quiet environment for learning, others are able to learn in a noisy environment as well. It is important to identify the learning style in which the children are comfortable (Schmeck et al., 2013). If a child needs a quieter place for concentrating and learning, then the child should be allowed to move into the quieter place, thus facilitating learning (Dunn Price, 1978). Some students cannot concentrate in absolute silence. It is important to identify them and permit soft music or music without lyrics to help them concentrate and complete their learning. Along with sound, light is also an essential factor. While some children prefer to bring light, while the others are more comfortable to learn unde r low light. Many of the students cannot concentrate and think if they feel extremely hot. Hence, it is important to keep the temperature of the room cool, facilitating the children to learn effectively. Sociological elements The sociological elements include the individual learning, learning in teams, learning in presence of an authorities figure, or varied. Many children are comfortable learning alone, while others prefer learning in groups (Buckingham, 2013). Some of the students are comfortable in learning with assistance from the authority figures and adults. The learning style of each of them has to be identified individually and facilitated (Dunn Price, 1978). The children who prefer learning alone should be guided with the lesson and then left alone to learn. However, some of the children prefer to study in small groups. They discuss and understand the lessons better. Thus, these children should be given the opportunity to study in peer groups. Physiological elements This includes the perceptual factor, intake, time and mobility. It is essential to understand, whether he student is a visual or kinesthetic learner (Schmeck et al., 2013). Moreover, whether the learner has a habit of intake of food like snacks, while learning has to be identified as well (Dunn Price, 1978). The optimal time that the student needs for learning has to be identified, along with the need for mobility, while learning. Thus, the physiological factors have to be well understood by the educator, to facilitate learning among the children. Use of technology to support the above-mentioned learning styles The use of technology is important in order to support the above-mentioned learning styles. In order to ensure that environmental learning is facilitated, use of classrooms with informal seating design has to be incorporated, such that the students are able to choose a comfortable position of seating while learning. Moreover, teaching through videos and audio clippings is essential. This will help the children grasp the lessons even more effectively. Using role play is also effective. Many of the students are able to learn faster and better, with the use of visuals. Thus, using role play and visuals, these children are facilitated. Teaching using lectures are also effective in helping the children learn their lessons successfully. Interactive learning is helpful for the children who learn faster with interaction with a group of people, rather than learning alone (O'Donnell et al., 2013). The interactive classrooms will ensure that the children learn faster than the use of the convent ional methods of learning. Moreover, mobile learning apps are also available for assisting the children in learning. This ensures that the students use the learning app and learn while in mobility (Riding Rayner, 2013). This use of technology facilitates the children who prefer learning while moving from one place to another. Thus, the environmental, sociological as well as physiological elements are considered and with the use of technology, the learning style of the children could be facilitated. Thus, with the extensive use of technology, the various learning styles are supported and facilitated. References Buckingham, D. (2013).Beyond technology: Children's learning in the age of digital culture. John Wiley Sons. Dunn, R. S., Price, G. E. (1978). The learning style characteristics of gifted students.Gifted Child Quarterly,24(1), 33-36. O'Donnell, A. M., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Erkens, G. (Eds.). (2013).Collaborative learning, reasoning, and technology. Routledge. Riding, R., Rayner, S. (2013).Cognitive styles and learning strategies: Understanding style differences in learning and behavior. Routledge. Schmeck, R. R. (Ed.). (2013).Learning strategies and learning styles. Springer Science Business Media. Sternberg, R. J., Zhang, L. F. (Eds.). (2014).Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles. Routledge.
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